Animation Settings
Animation Settings
Each animation keypath has its own animation settings. To change timeline settings, select the timeline by clicking on it. Then you can change its settings using Keyframe Inspector.
Upper part of Keyframe Inspector shows general animation settings for the selected timeline.
Lower part of Keyframe Inspector you can change selected keyframe settings. Specifically, you can change from value and to value for basic animation, and multiple values for keyframe animation.
Timeline Settings
- Type: Choose either basic or keyframe animation type. Basic animation is animation where you define initial and end values, while keyframe animation is animation where you define multiple values along animation.
- Timing: Choose timing function of the animation. You can also define custom timing function. With this you can define for example bouncing animation.
- Duration: Duration of the timeline.
- Repeat: Repeat count of the animation. To repeat indefinitely, click INF button.
- Auto Reverse: If Yes, the animation will animate to its initial value when completed.
Each layer also have group timeline. Using group timeline you can set repeat count and auto reverse which will affect whole animations in the layer.
Keyframe Settings
Lower part of Keyframe Inspector show settings for selected keyframe. The settings will changed based on timeline type and selected keyframe.
These are keypath keyframe types in QuartzCode; point, color, float, bool, path, transform, shadow, gradient, and rect.
For position and emitter position keypath, you can select either value or path. By selecting path, you can animate position along the path. Relative will animate the owner layer relative to its initial position, while absolute will animate the layer on top of the specified path.